Office Closing 01/31 - 02/02
by Bryan W. Wolford on 01/31/11
Due to the severe winter storm anticipated to hit Mid-Missouri from Monday, January 31 through Wednesday, February 2, the office will be closed on the following dates:
Monday, January 31 - The office will close early at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 1 - The office will be closed. I seriously doubt any groundhogs will be out to see or not see their shadows today.
Wednesday, February 2 - The office will be closed.
Thursday, February 3 - As of 1/31/2011, the office will be closed. If conditions improve (or if we only get a half-foot of snow), there is the possibility of a delayed opening on Thursday.
During the closures, the phones and email will remain operational. Further, the office will take appointments during the closed days for those who absolutely must meet with an attorney, although we strongly encourage everyone to stay home and ride out the storm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at (573) 796-2093 if you have any further questions.